1.work hard play hard意思是什么?
work hard play hard意思是什么?
work hard play hard.努力工作,努力玩耍。
There's things in basketball that are vital and that's to play hard play with energy and hustle. 关于篮球极其重要的就是,要努力地打,要充满活力地打,要积极地打。
I work hard and play hard. 我既努力工作又尽情玩耍。
Although Aussies work hard, they certainly play hard too, and it is not uncommon for workers to pop in for a spot of surfing on Manly, Bronte or Bondi Beach on the way home from work. 虽然澳洲人工作努力,但是他们玩的也猛烈,对于工人来说在从工作到回家的路上突然出现在曼利,朗蒂或者邦迪海滩上的冲浪场所也很正常。
Looking for a honest and patient man who is understanding and consideration for one another; he is strong, intelligent and y, gentle, humble, who like work hard and play hard ... 他也应该是成熟的但心态永远年轻的,身体健壮,有智慧,有品位,有教养,有幽默感;细心的,谦恭的尤其对他的女人,事业心强且人道的。
《Dear Basketball》英文原文:
Dear Basketball
From the momentI started rolling my dad’s tube socksAnd shooting imaginaryGame-winning shotsIn the Great Western ForumI knew one thing was real:I fell in love with you.
A love so deep I ge you my all —From my mind & bodyTo my spirit & soul.
As a six-year-old boyDeeply in love with youI never saw the end of the tunnel.I only saw myselfRunning out of one.
And so I ran.I ran up and down every courtAfter every loose ball for you.You asked for my hustleI ge you my heartBecause it came with so much more.
I played through the sweat and hurtNot because challenge called meBut because YOU called me.I did everything for YOUBecause that’s what you doWhen someone makes you feel asAlive as you’ve made me feel.
You ge a six-year-old boy his Laker dreamAnd I’ll always love you for it.But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer.This season is all I he left to give.My heart can take the poundingMy mind can handle the grindBut my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.
And that’s OK.I’m ready to let you go.I want you to know nowSo we both can sor every moment we he left together.The good and the bad.We he given each otherAll that we he.?
And we both know, no matter what I do nextI’ll always be that kidWith the rolled up socksGarbage can in the corner:05 seconds on the clockBall in my hands.5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1
Love you always,Kobe
科比是NBA最好的得分手之一,生涯赢得无数奖项 ,突破、投篮、罚球、三分球他都驾轻就熟,几乎没有进攻盲区,单场比赛81分的个人纪录就有力地证明了这一点。除了疯狂的得分外,科比的组织能力也很出众,经常担任球队进攻的第一发起人。另外科比还是联盟中最好的防守人之一,贴身防守非常具有压迫性。
2016年4月14日,科比·布莱恩特在生涯最后一场主场对阵爵士的常规赛后宣布退役。 2017年12月19日,湖人主场对阵勇士,中场时刻为科比的8号和24号2件球衣举行了退役仪式。
球场就是战场,唯有突破自我才能成为这场硬仗的主角,而坚持是强者的性格,是赢家的秘籍,是科比身上最高的斗战奥义,有一种坚持,叫 科比?布莱恩特!
.x-kicks/goods.php?id=6033 这双是NIKE Zoom Hustle 鸳鸯色
.x-kicks/goods.php?id=5563 Air Force 1 PREMIUM ALL-STAR 全明星鸳鸯色
我记得麦迪的鞋吧,T-MAC3 有一双双色的,特靓,红蓝的,不知有卖否。。。
还有一双and1的太极 是左右各两种色,然后对称的。。。(一般and1和匡威会出这类鞋子)
建议去and1 或者匡威找找,应该比较多。
我建议如果要想有新意,吸引人,还是去nikeid 自己配一双,还能在上面刻字~~~最近air jordan 2012刚刚上市,id里面有,你穿出去绝对暴涨人气!!!!!
歌曲:绝对无敌 歌手: 倪子冈 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back Yo picture this U got a kid in a room his hands sweatin and shakin while he's lacin his shoes the excitement's buildin up for what's comin up soon To get there and do what he was born to do 他拥有篮球梦 他成为地域修罗 他知道全盘战局只能够靠自己掌控 只感到一点疲倦 只感到一些危险 但是胜负分明之前绝对不会退却 Cuz now he's out on the floor And he's catchin the pass slashin to the glass, movin so fast, right to the hole, they don't know how to stop him and he keeps on droppin 2's and 3's by the second and the crowd is rockin so they knock him 躺在冰冷地上 只要一个深呼吸就能再冲刺全场 那慢动作的世界 欢呼声蜂拥如浪 就在一分钟过后强者加冕成王 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back Imagine 有个女孩出现 她在人群之中永远都是第一惹眼 她总是在身边 不知心里想谁 所有男人梦想哪天能给她全世界 But the truth is that there's someone on the other team Someone who stole her heart Someone who holds her dreams They kiss for the 1st time just the other evening Her brother's 23 but her lover's number 16 战况激烈 好戏正要上演 女孩不知道自己应该站在哪一边 眼神交汇 只是瞬息万变 大家都屏住呼吸忍住不眨眼 16 on the break 23 on the chase Brother goes in the air with brother up in his face They come crashing to the dirt Tears about to burst When the game is over who she gonna run to first, yo 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back 有时感觉阻碍太多 我还是会夺魄折磨 骄傲战斗 Nothin's gonna stop me Ey yo this game of life is one big struggle We gotta hustle just to make it everyday and to find ourselves a way to fight the fears we facin and grab those dreams we chasin cuz there ain't no competition when we rise to the occasion, c'mon 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back